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Posted December 13th, 2012

Whiter Teeth in Five Minutes!

Dr. Euse has a tip to get whiter teeth in less than five minutes, just in time for your family Christmas pictures. How can you do it? With lipstick! (Sorry men, you’re out of luck this time!) The right shade of lipstick can make your teeth look whiter and brighter, and help your natural, healthy […]

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Posted November 27th, 2012

Teeth at the First Thanksgiving

What were teeth like at the first thanksgiving? In honor of the holiday week, here at Discovery Dental Shelby we decided to have some fun and think about what oral hygiene was like hundreds of years ago for those who attended the first thanksgiving. Wow, has dental technology come a long way since then! How […]

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Posted November 13th, 2012

Diabetes and Your Mouth

Every 17 seconds someone new is diagnosed with diabetes, a disease that is now one of the leading causes of death and disability in this country. November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and Dr. Euse wants to educate all Carson City residents on what they can do to prevent and treat this debilitating disease. What […]

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Posted October 27th, 2012

Why Candy is Bad for Your Teeth

We all know that candy is bad for our teeth. Our parents told us, the media tells us, Dr. Euse and our hygienists tell us, but most of the time we just don’t listen. How could we when it tastes so good? Along with being the Halloween season, this month is also National Dental Hygiene […]

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Posted October 13th, 2012

Five Common Brushing Mistakes

October is National Dental Hygiene Month, which makes it the perfect time for Dr. Euse to talk about how to properly brush your teeth. Many people don’t know the right techniques to use when cleaning their teeth, so hopefully this post will give you some quick tips. The biggest thing to remember is that any […]

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Posted September 27th, 2012

Post-Menopausal Women Need More Dental Checkups

This September, Dr. Euse is celebrating National Healthy Aging Month, which was established to broaden awareness of the positive side of aging, and to motivate improved health, financial and overall wellness. He wants to make sure all post-menopausal women in Carson City are aware of a new study from the Case Western Reserve University School […]

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Posted September 13th, 2012

Medications and Dry Mouth

September is National Healthy Aging Month, and Dr. Euse would like to celebrate by providing his patients and their loved ones with information on how to stay healthy as they get older. Many people are not aware that dry mouth affects nearly half of everyone over the age of 65, and that this condition is […]

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Posted August 27th, 2012

Red Wine Actually Protects Teeth?

Dark, discolored teeth at a dinner party are always an embarrassing giveaway as to who was drinking red wine. But is it possible that these stains could be helping your teeth? Studies now show that the properties of red wine may be protecting your teeth from harmful bacteria and gum disease. And some chemicals in […]

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Posted August 13th, 2012

What to Do With Broken or Loose Teeth

  If you or any of your Carson City loved ones have ever injured a tooth, you know how stressful the experience can be. Often people don’t know what to do with broken or loose teeth.  Whether your son hit his mouth on the kitchen table, your husband wasn’t wearing his mouthguard in a rec […]

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Posted July 16th, 2012

Skin Cancer and Your Lips: What You Forgot to Protect

Whether you’re at the beach, hanging out in your backyard, or on a hike through a park, you know how important it is to protect yourself and your loved ones from sun damage. You wear sunscreen, sunglasses, maybe even a hat, and you make sure that your family does the same. But what do you […]

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