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Tooth Colored Fillings

Tooth Colored Fillings vs. Amalgam Fillings

Fillings are the most common restoration for teeth damaged by decay in Carson City, and advances in technology have revolutionized the materials available to fix your smile.

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You may have fillings in your mouth from twenty years ago, when your last dentist filled your cavities with “silver.” We now know how damaging these metals are, and we are determined to rid Advanced Dentistry by Design patients of the potentially hazardous materials.

If your dentist has said that you need to get fillings, you can rest assured that we use only the latest in dental technologies and materials. Contact us today and discover how to make non-metal, tooth-colored fillings a part of your beautiful smile.

Why are “silver” fillings bad?

What is a tooth-colored filling? Fillings in the past were made partially of silver and partially of amalgam mercury, which led to a dark and discolored tooth that stood out from the rest of your smile. We are aware of how metal fillings make teeth sensitive to hot and cold in your mouth.  These fillings also expand and contract with temperature changes, allowing bacteria to enter and cause decay, and additionally cause weakening of the tooth and possible fractures.

Today, Advanced Dentistry by Design uses only the latest technology in tooth-colored fillings to create a look that is both safe and aesthetically pleasing. These metal-free restorations are also known as composite fillings, and are safer, stronger and more enduring by bonding directly to your tooth and allowing more of the healthy structure to remain. Here at our Carson City dental office, we can also custom-color the filling so that it blends in even more seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.

Contact Us

Call us today if you have any questions about fillings in your mouth, or to schedule an appointment to replace your amalgam fillings with tooth colored fillings. Advanced Dentistry by Design is your trusted Carson City dentist!

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