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Whiter Teeth in Five Minutes!

Posted on December 13th, 2012

Dr. Euse has a tip to get whiter teeth in less than five minutes, just in time for your family Christmas pictures. How can you do it? With lipstick! (Sorry men, you’re out of luck this time!) The right shade of lipstick can make your teeth look whiter and brighter, and help your natural, healthy beauty shine through.

So which colors do this? A general rule is to try to stick with those that have blue undertones which will contrast with the yellow tints of your teeth and make them appear brighter and whiter. When looking for a specific color, try in the deeper reds and maroons. Stay away from nudes, peaches, neutral pinks, and frosted lipsticks, which can make your teeth look the same color as the lipstick.

Also important to remember is the sheen of the lipstick. Glossy, wet looks reflect light off your lips, adding depth and making your teeth shine as well. Matte finishes will make your smile look darker, bringing out any stains you may have. Some brands even have specific lines devoted to teeth-whitening lipstick, so check it out the next time you are in the makeup aisle.

How about getting lipstick on your teeth? One way to avoid this is with careful application followed by pouting your lips and poking your finger in your mouth to remove any excess color. Another great way is to keep your teeth as clean as possible so that the lipstick has nothing to cling to. Also, you should avoid activities like smoking, smacking your gum or biting your nails. Believe it or not, smiling keeps the lipstick off your teeth more than a straight face or a frown. So smile more!

If you find the perfect shade of lipstick but are still unhappy with the color of your teeth, talk to Dr. Euse about any number of cosmetic procedures that can give you the smile you deserve. We are here to help you get the beautiful smile you deserve!

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