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Tuesdays with the Team


Part one of three in our answer series about Dental Implants

Dental implants have been in use since the mid 1960’s and are a safe way to replace tooth roots and provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth. There are many advantages to dental implants, including: improved appearance, improved speech, easier eating, improved self esteem, improved oral health, durability, and convenience. Success rates of implants vary, depending on where in the jaw the implants are placed, but in general, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98% and with proper care, implants can last a lifetime. In most cases anyone healthy enough to undergo a routine dental extraction or oral surgery can be considered for an implant. Patients should have healthy gums and enough bone to hold the implant. They must be committed to good oral hygiene and routine dental visits. Heavy smokers, those who suffer from uncontrolled chronic disorders – such as diabetes or heart disease – or patients who have had radiation therapy to the head/neck area will be considered on an individual basis. To determine if implants are right for you, a consultation is needed. At that time you will receive a thorough examination of your teeth and gums and an evaluation of bone density and quantity. This will involve x-rays and computer tomography scans (CT scans) to ensure there is sufficient bone structure for placing the implant(s), and to determine exactly where the implant should be placed. Check back next week for our next dental implant answer segment.

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