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Tuesdays with the Team


Part two of three in our answer series about Dental Implants

Last week we discussed what dental implants are and the steps to determine if this would be the right choice for you. In review, dental implants are a safe procedure that have been in use since the mid 1960’s. During the procedure, the tooth root is replaced with a metal, screw-like post, and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function like real ones. The surgery may occur in stages and may involve several procedures. The major benefit of implants is the solid support for your new teeth – a process that requires the bone to heal tightly around the implant. Because this healing requires time, the process may take many months. Implants are typically placed in a single sitting but require a period of time for osseointegration. Osseointegration is the process in which the implant anchors to the jaw bone, that is, the jaw bone fuses to the implant post. This process can take from three to six months to anchor and heal. The implant restoration is usually composed of a titanium material screw and a crown. A small hole (pilot hole) is drilled to guide the titanium screw that holds the implant in place, it is slowly widened to allow placement. It is here that the dentist uses surgical guides that are created based on CT scans. Once in place, surrounding gum tissue is secured over the implant and a protective cover screw is placed on top (called a healing cap) to allow the site to heal. After approximately six months of healing, the dentist will uncover the implant and attach an abutment (which holds the crown) to the implant. During this time, provisional (temporary) restorations may be worn. Recovery time is usually minimal as well as the discomfort level. Swelling of your gums and face may occur, as well as some minor bleeding and bruising at the implant site. Pain medications may be prescribed by your dentist to relieve any pain or discomfort. For the first five to seven days after surgery, your diet is restricted to soft foods. If temporary restorations were placed, it is important to clean them as you would your natural teeth to ensure the best possible healing and fusing of the implant. Typically your doctor will use stitches that dissolve on their own. If the stitches aren’t self dissolving, they will be removed in approximately 7-10 days. At Advanced Dentistry by Design, our doctors are well educated and skilled in the placement of implants. We have recently added a Galileos 3D digital x-ray machine (CBCT Scanner) to the office. The CBCT Scanner is a computer-guided implant system for precise implant placement. This new digital x-ray machine is used to ensure the highest success rate possible for our patients! Call us at (775) 400-2533 to schedule a consultation to see if this procedure is right for you. Next week in the final article of this series, “How to properly care for the implant.”

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