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Posted June 13th, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Gum Disease

Did you know half of Americans have gum disease? Gum disease happens when bacteria gets trapped below the gum line and damages the soft tissue. In its most advanced stages the bacteria cause bone and tooth loss. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, Advanced Dentistry by Design would love to […]

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Posted May 27th, 2022

Is Your Fitness Routine be Harming your Teeth?

Being healthy is important for many reasons. Research has connected many systemic issues to obesity: heart disease, stroke, arthritis, sleep disorders, diabetes, gout, cancer, and more. Recent studies have also linked obesity to gum disease! While your Advanced Dentistry by Design would never discourage you from reaching your goal weight or BMI, there are a […]

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Posted May 13th, 2022

How to Throw a Healthy and Fun Birthday Party

Cake, ice cream and candy; All staples for a kid’s birthday party. However, the recommendation is for children ages 2-18 consume less than 25g or six teaspoons of sugar per day. An average slice of cake with frosting has a whopping 30g of sugar, put a scoop of ice cream on top and a party can be a […]

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Posted April 27th, 2022

How to Regain Your Dental Independence

There’s no easy way to go through life missing teeth. In fact, depression and anxiety related to tooth loss is being researched and explored. Anecdotally, Advanced Dentistry by Design hears stories from patients every day who are embarrassed or frustrated by lost teeth. Missing teeth makes it difficult to chew foods, speak normally, and be […]

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Posted April 13th, 2022

How to Navigate the Teen Years Part One

The teenage years are an exciting and trying time for teens and parents alike. Teens are allowed more freedom and with that comes responsibilities. Parents look on and hope their teens take the lessons they have taught them and continue to make good decisions about their health. During the teen years, there are dental issues […]

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Posted March 27th, 2022

How to Plan a Healthy and Festive Easter

Spring has sprung! The days are getting longer, grass is growing, and the sun is starting to break through the clouds. Springtime is a wonderful time to start fresh. Typically, we decide to make changes January 1, but there is something about spring that feels like a better time to clean up bad habits and […]

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Posted March 13th, 2022

How Oral Cancer Awareness Can Save Your Life

In the United States, someone dies every hour because of oral or oropharyngeal cancer (cancer of the mouth and upper throat). Nearly 52,000 people will be newly diagnosed this year, and of those 52,000 4 out of 10 won’t survive over five years. Advanced Dentistry by Design want patients to understand their risk for oral […]

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Posted February 27th, 2022

How we Diagnose and Treat Sensitive Teeth

Why can eating ice cream or hot soup hurt your teeth? Tooth sensitivity is a real issue for many people and can be inconvenient and frustrating. The good news is there are treatment options available if you experience sensitivity. To understand how to prevent and treat sensitivity we first need to understand why tooth sensitivity […]

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Posted February 13th, 2022

10 Dental Words You Need to Know

Have you ever been sitting in the dental chair only to hear your dentist or hygienist say a word you’ve never heard before? It’s common for any industry to have terminology specific to the field. But, as a patient, not knowing what your doctor is saying can be confusing. Here are some common (but strange […]

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Posted January 27th, 2022

Can People Really Have Soft Teeth?

In many fields of science there is folklore mixed with scientific facts. Stories and beliefs handed down from previous generations can permeate the way we still talk about and understand things. One of these myths is ‘having soft teeth’.  We hear it at least once a day: “I’m sorry doc, I just have soft teeth!” […]

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