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Posted August 27th, 2012

Red Wine Actually Protects Teeth?

Dark, discolored teeth at a dinner party are always an embarrassing giveaway as to who was drinking red wine. But is it possible that these stains could be helping your teeth? Studies now show that the properties of red wine may be protecting your teeth from harmful bacteria and gum disease. And some chemicals in […]

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Posted August 13th, 2012

What to Do With Broken or Loose Teeth

  If you or any of your Carson City loved ones have ever injured a tooth, you know how stressful the experience can be. Often people don’t know what to do with broken or loose teeth.  Whether your son hit his mouth on the kitchen table, your husband wasn’t wearing his mouthguard in a rec […]

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Posted July 16th, 2012

Skin Cancer and Your Lips: What You Forgot to Protect

Whether you’re at the beach, hanging out in your backyard, or on a hike through a park, you know how important it is to protect yourself and your loved ones from sun damage. You wear sunscreen, sunglasses, maybe even a hat, and you make sure that your family does the same. But what do you […]

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Posted July 2nd, 2012

5 Reasons to Treat Your Gum Disease

You might not even know it, but you probably have gum disease. 3 out of 4 people do! But, the good news is that it is easily treatable, especially when caught in its early stages. Advanced Dentistry by Design can help you get a happy, healthy mouth with simple treatments such as frequent cleanings and […]

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Posted June 18th, 2012

Oral Health for Men

We get it. Oral hygiene is probably not something that you find yourself talking to your buddies about on the weekends. You probably don’t watch YouTube videos of teeth cleanings. That’s why Advanced Dentistry by Design is here to offer you only the information that you really need to know to keep both your mouth […]

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Posted June 4th, 2012

Tips for Fresh Breath

Bad breath is a problem that everyone has to deal with at some point. It’s impossible to keep our mouths smelling fresh and clean all day, every day, especially when there are delicious things to have like coffee or cheeseburgers with extra onions, pickles and mushrooms. Advanced Dentistry by Design is here to help! The […]

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Posted May 21st, 2012

Teething Bites!

Here at Advanced Dentistry by Design, we hope that all of our patients had a happy mother’s day! We want to celebrate new mothers this month by offering them information to help keep their babies healthy. Your child probably won’t need to come in to see  until most of their teeth have erupted, somewhere around […]

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Posted May 7th, 2012

Do I Have Acid Erosion?

There seem to be a lot of toothpaste commercials lately that talk about acid erosion and the damage it can do to your teeth. But these 30-second slots can’t explain exactly what happens, what causes it or how you can really protect your mouth. Here at Advanced Dentistry by Design we want all of our […]

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