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To Floss or Not to Floss

Posted on September 27th, 2014

dentist tells carson city girl its good to flossAccording to a 2008 survey on dental hygiene, only half of Americans floss every day, and 1 in 10 don’t floss at all! Some dentists even believe that most of their patients only floss before coming in for appointments. We at Advanced Dentistry by Design have heard all kinds of reasons Carson City residents give for not flossing, but Drs. Kelly Euse, Clint Euse, Randy Wright have yet to hear a single one that trumps the importance of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. In fact, flossing is even more crucial than brushing in terms of keeping gum disease at bay. Here are some of the most common justifications for skipping the floss, so that you can judge for yourself.

  • “I don’t know how to floss”

Just because you don’t know how, it doesn’t mean shouldn’t try! Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and flossing is one of the best ways to ensure gum health, so here’s a basic tutorial on flossing:

  • Using 18 inches of floss, wrap 2/3rds of it around one index finger and the rest around the opposite finger
  • Guide the floss between each tooth, then wrap it around the corners and gently move it up and down several times, with firm pressure against the tooth you are cleaning
  • Make sure to get both sides of each tooth, including the very backs of your last molars
  • Use clean sections of floss as you go along by spooling the floss from one finger to the other
  • “It hurts every time I floss.”

Believe it or not, if it hurts when you’re flossing, it means you need to floss more. Irritation at the gum line is usually a sign of gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. If you continue to floss and brush properly, it will most likely go away on its own. If it doesn’t, it’s time to visit Drs. Kelly Euse, Clint Euse, Randy Wright.

  • “My teeth are too tightly packed to floss, it just gets shredded.”

There are a number of different types of floss meant to address this very issue. Waxed floss and polytetrafluoroethylene (elastic, slippery material) are great for getting into tight spaces. On the other hand, if your floss is consistently shredding at the same places, it may be a sign of a cavity or damaged dental restoration. Carson City residents with persistent floss shredding issues should call Drs. Kelly Euse, Clint Euse, Randy Wright right away.

  • “Food never gets stuck between my teeth, so why floss?”

Although food may not get stuck between your teeth, plaque certainly will. If plaque between teeth, especially near the gum line, is safe from flossing there’s a good chance it will cause a gum disease infection.

  • “It’s too difficult for me too floss.”

If you have dexterity, motor control, coordination, or pain issues, Advanced Dentistry by Design recommends using disposable dental picks, which have a small bit of floss pre-wound and a handle that is designed to get into hard-to-reach areas. If you have braces or another orthodontic appliance that gets in the way, use a floss threader to get in behind and around them.

  • “I don’t have time to floss.”

Do you have time for gum disease? Do you have time to lose teeth? Flossing is an involved portion of a good daily hygiene routine, but it will pay off in the long run with healthy teeth and gums and less money spent on dental work! If you have any questions or would like to learn to floss from one of the pros at Advanced Dentistry by Design, give us a call!


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